Tangram Adventure

Ages: 4-99 · Players: 1 · Time: 10+ Minutes

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See the world in a whole new way!




A tangram is a geometry puzzle using seven special shapes. In Tangram Adventure each puzzle is an animal, object, or environment to explore by arranging the shapes to cover an outline.

Learning & Skill Areas


Learning the properties and relationships of different shapes, including how they make up larger and more complicated shapes, and how these compound shapes make up scenes and environments.


Focusing your mental effort and attention over time in order to solve problems or complete tasks of increasing difficulty.

Learning Focus By Age

A tangram is a geometry puzzle using seven special shapes. In Tangram Adventure, each puzzle is an animal, object, or environment to explore by arranging the shapes to cover an outline. At first, colored dots give clues where each shape goes. In harder puzzles, some dots disappear or turn black to show that some shape goes there while not revealing which one. Eventually, all of the hints disappear and only the outlines remain!

Grid of learning and skill areas by age group